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In Transport, Alumini suggests and performs technical implementation of energy systems for trolleybus and railway networks associated with the guarantee of quality and experience in the services of electromechanical erection of contact and auxiliary systems, executive design, development and deployment of the supervision and control system, construction and maintenance of electrical systems in airport and rail complexes, civil construction, supply of materials and rectifier substations.

Some projects in this area:

● Deployment of aerial contact network of Corridor Santo Amaro - Nove de Julho (26 km) , including the electromechanical erection and supply of materials, executed for Eletropaulo - Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A.

● Electromechanical erection of the terminal infrastructure of Trolleybus Vila Carrão for Eletropaulo - Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A.

● Complete Turn-Key delivery of the electrical system for the trolleybus corridor Cruz Cabugá/Paulista, comprising the executive project of the entire electrical system and contact network; supply of all equipment and materials; Construction of rectifier substations; electromechanical erection of the entire electrical system, development and deployment of the system of supervision and control of all existing substations, involving a contact network of approximately 12.5 km, and six rectifier substations, and insulated feed copper cables wpp - 240 mm2.

● Auxiliary System Erection in 6.6 kV, of system for Fepasa - Ferrovias Paulista SA, involving executive project, supply of materials and electromechanical erection of approximately 30 km implemented in the marginal roads until Luz Station, in the city of São Paulo.

● erection and installation of the aerial network for the demolition, construction, remodeling and/or redeploying of the Permanent Track of patios Brás/Roselvelt, Barra Funda and stretch of line between stations Brás and Barra Funda, which includes modifications in the region of the platform of Luz Station, for CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Transporte Metropolitano).